Initiatives for Health Management
Certification for the fifth consecutive year as a 2024 Outstanding Health & Productivity Management Organization (large corporation category)

Our company has set "Enhancement of initiatives that contribute to further improvement of health management" as a key theme in our ESG management. To create an environment where employees can work energetically and with peace of mind, we are working to maintain and improve the health of our employees with a tripartite collaboration between the human resources department, the medical office, and health insurance association.
We will strive to strengthen our health management by improving measures that take into account work-life balance and health, in order to becoming a resilient, growing company that contributes to society.
Health Declaration
- 1.NST and the health insurance association will work together to support the health improvement of each employee.
- 2.In order to achieve a “work-friendly, work-challenging” situation, NST and its employees work together to create a working environment where everyone is excited and rewarding.
- 3.NST will promote work-way reform and productivity improvement, and enhance work-life balance.
Main initiatives for health management
1. To further raise the level of continuous efforts
- Enhance and thorough implement lifestyle improvement guidance provided by industrial physicians and nurses.
- Implement cancer screenings for breast, endometrial, colorectal, stomach, and lungs (maintaining a high screening rate of over 90%)
- Expand interviews by occupational physicians and deploy external counselors as a mental health measure
- Promote the improvement of workplace environment through stress checks and use of group analysis results
- Provide smoking cessation education for young employees
- Raise awareness of the importance of specific health guidance aimed at preventing lifestyle-related diseases and encouraging higher participation rates.
- Host walking events to maintain and improve health
- Improve the participation of family health checkups
2. Implanting new initiatives
- Hosting physical fitness measurement event “How old is your body’s fitness level?” (July and September)
We held a physical fitness measurement event to make employees aware of the necessity of daily continuous exercise for maintaining and improving physical fitness. "Physical fitness" is an essential element for employees to continue working in a healthy manner and to spend a more fulfilling private life. We plan to continue this event in the coming years to provide an opportunity to learn about one's own physical strength and develop exercise habits.
Our company regards the improvement of health literacy (both physical and mental aspects), lifestyle habits, and responds to women's health issues as important management themes. We will continue to expand our e-learning, seminars, and trainings related to these topics to deepen employees’ understanding.
Preparing an office environment with improved motivation and working comfort
In February 2022, our Head Office was relocated from Akasaka in Minato-ku, Tokyo to Nihonbashi in Chuo-ku. In the new office, we have prepared an environment where all employees respect the individuality (diversity) of the others, and where the employees can grow while working hard and encouraging one another. It aims to be a place which supports employee well-being. Repeated studies were conducted by the project team, and an office environment was created which incorporated employee opinions as much as possible. A wide range of improvements were enacted in order to improve employee productivity and efficiency, and allow them to exercise their creativity and conception abilities, by supporting flexible working styles and more active communication, and preparing an office environment which boosts motivation and ease of working.

1.Layout that improves productivity and efficiency
In addition to changing to a free-address system, the layout is focused on communication, including the placement of working spaces where employees can choose their working style according to the contents of their work.

2.Working spaces that are focused on employee independence and flexibility
Places with a diverse range of types were created to enable employees to freely choose their work location according to the contents of the work, and to independently carry out their work without being restricted by time or place.

3.Fashionable café that facilitates communication and produces relaxation effects
The cafeteria in the Head Office does more than just provide meals. It is a multi-function area that can be used in a wide range of situations. The casual atmosphere creates cross-organizational communication, and allows working with a relaxed feel, letting employees make best use of their idea strength, creativity, and concept ability.