Information Security Policy
NIPPON STEEL TRADING Corp. aims to achieve continual global growth that is in tune with customer and market needs as a trading company that develops and manages a wide range of core business fields.
In pursuing these aims, we consider digitization and information security strategies to be important. Recognizing the need to protect management, customer, personal, marketing and technical information appropriately, we hereby commit to the following points, which comprise our Basic Policy on Information Security.
- 1.We will adhere to all relevant laws concerning information security, as well as social norms and company rules.
- 2.We will take appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access to, leakage of, tampering with and destruction of information assets.
- 3.Prioritizing confidentiality, completeness and availability, we will create handling standards that reflect the importance of and risks associated with information assets to ensure that such assets are managed properly.
- 4.We will carry out regular and ongoing in-house education and training on information security to raise awareness and keep all employees informed of company rules.
- 5.Violators will be dealt with strictly, according to our commendation/disciplinary rules.
- 6.We will work to minimize the damage caused by any information security breach, investigating the source of the breach and taking immediate measures to prevent its recurrence.
- 7.We will periodically review our information security efforts and strive to improve them.
We will regularly reexamine this Basic Policy and its related provisions, modifying them as needed to accommodate changes in society.
January, 2022