Medium- to Long-Term Management Plan 2025

Becoming a strong growth company That contributes to society Becoming a strong growth company That contributes to society

1. Implementation measures and Financial Targets

Implementation measures

FY 2019 ordinary profit

33.2 billion yen


Expected decline

× 12.0 billion yen


1Building a robust corporate structure by implementing measures to strengthen the business foundation

  • Drastic improvement of value-added productivity and reduction of general and administrative expenses
  • Reorganization, integration, and elimination of the Group's manufacturing and sales bases

Effect expected by FY 2023

〇 10.0 billion yen


2Realizing sustainable increases in profit by promoting growth strategies

  • Acquire new business demand
  • Promotion of global strategies for deepening and expanding overseas business
  • Expansion of sales and improvement of profitability by collaborating with major users, strengthening distribution and processing, and providing solutions
  • Promotion of M&A and alliance strategies that lead to improved distribution efficiency and new business creation
  • Promotion of DX strategies

Effect expected by FY 2023

〇 11.0 billion yen


3Adopting ESG management

  • Contribution to a carbon-free society and environmental conservation
  • Contribution to national and regional development
  • Contribution to a recycling-based society and sustainable living
  • Optimization of integrated supply chains (use of information and technology)
  • Utilization of diverse human resources (nurturing people, making good use of people, and valuing people)
  • Management based on reliability and trust

FY 2023 target Ordinary profit

42.0 billion yen


Progress on strategic policies and actions to improve fixed expenses

〇 3.0 billion yen

FY 2025 target Ordinary profit

billion yen

Financial Targets

  Medium- to Long-Term Management Plan
FY 2023 targets FY 2025 targets
Consolidated ordinary profit 42.0 billion yen 45.0 billion yen +α
Profit attributable to owners of parent 26.0 billion yen 28.0 billion yen +α

2. Measures by Division

Steel Division

Ordinary Profit Target Ordinary Profit Target
Environmental change
× 7.5billion
Strengthen business foundation
〇 7.5billion
Growth strategy
〇 9.0billion

Adopting ESG management

Main growth strategies

  • Capture environmental and other new demand
  • Implement global strategies such as strengthening efforts to become an “integrated
    member” in developing markets overseas
  • Expand sales and improve profitability by coordinating with major users
  • Promote M&A and alliance strategy
  • Reform steel distribution via DX strategy

Industrial Supply & Infrastructure Division

Ordinary Profit Target Ordinary Profit Target
Environmental change
× 1.6billion
Strengthen business foundation
〇 1.0billion
Growth strategy
〇 600million

Adopting ESG management

Main growth strategies

  • Promote multi-material technology (Steel Business Division collaboration)
  • Enhance responses to growing global demand for aluminum
  • Expand global development of head rest parts business
  • Expand exports of railway track maintenance equipment and kitchen automation
  • Expand rooftop solar power generation business

Textiles Division

Ordinary Profit Target Ordinary Profit Target
Environmental change
× 3.0billion
Strengthen business foundation
〇 1.7billion
Growth strategy
〇 700million

Adopting ESG management

Main growth strategies

  • Cultivate growth users and fields (lifestyle market, etc.)
  • Expand global transactions (Europe, China, etc.)
  • Cultivate new businesses (for mail-order/e-commerce businesses, fitness, etc.)
  • Expand products that address social needs for ethical consumption, etc.
    (recycled/upcycled products, etc.)

Foodstuffs Division

Ordinary Profit Target Ordinary Profit Target
Environmental change
± 0billion
Strengthen business foundation
〇 400million
Growth strategy
〇 700million

Adopting ESG management

Main growth strategies

  • Expand sales of plant-based meat alternatives and antibiotic/hormone-free pork
  • Cultivate Southeast Asian markets
  • Strengthen volume sales and takeout sales
  • Enhance value chain through M&A

3. Financial Strategies and Return to Shareholders

Financial Strategies

  FY 2020 result Medium- to Long-Term Management Plan
FY 2023 FY 2025
ROE 6.5% 9 - 10%
ROIC 3.9% Around 6%
Net D/C ratio 0.95x 1.0x or less

Return to Shareholders

The Company will set a target for a consolidated dividend payout ratio of 30% or higher and
strive to increase shareholder returns in line with stable profit growth.

4. Medium- to Long-Term environmental targets

Rolling out activities for reducing CO2 emissions Group-wide

Subjects NST and consolidated subsidiaries in Japan and overseas
Established target FY 2030 Reduce CO2 emissions by
compared to FY 2018
FY 2050 Achieve carbon neautrality