Participation in initiatives, Evaluations by Society
Participation in initiatives
SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

As a trading company, the NST Group operates a wide range of businesses, and we believe that we can make broad contributions to these goals. We will continue working to expand awareness of SDGs to carry out our business with attention given to contributing to SDGs, and will carry out business activities with a clear association between the NST Group materiality and SDGs.

In May 2022, NST announced its agreement to the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), and participated in the TCFD Consortium composed of supporting companies, financial institutions, and others.
Other initiatives
Japan Foreign Trade Council, Inc.
Evaluations by Society
The Kurumin certification

NST obtained the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare certification (Kurumin certification) in 2018 as a childcare supporting company based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children. In 2021 we were also certified as Platinum Kurumin, which is recognized for a Kurumin certified company which is an exceptional childcare supporting company that has conducted initiatives on a higher level and meets certain requirements.
The Eruboshi certification

In 2018, NST obtained the Eruboshi certification (2 stars) from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, making the company certified as an excellent company promoting the participation and advancement of women in the workplace.
Health & Productivity Management Organization

NST was certified for the fifrth consecutive year as a 2024 Outstanding Health & Productivity Management Organization (large corporation category), selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi. The company is working together with the health insurance society and putting efforts into health management.