Environmental Management
Environmental Policy
Basic Philosophy
The NST Group recognizes that contribution to a decarbonized society and environmental conservation is an issue of top priority for business management. Through a wide range of global business activities, we will strive to protect the global environment, aiming for the achievement of a sustainable society.
Action Policy
1. Compliance with Environment-related Laws and Regulations
We will observe domestic and overseas environment-related laws and regulations as well as other agreements we have signed.
2. Measures against Climate Change
To address climate change, we will strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, we will contribute to greenhouse gas reduction throughout the supply chain by selling eco-products and proposing eco-solutions.
3. Consideration for the Natural Environment
In our business activities, we will give full consideration to the effects on natural ecosystems and strive to maintain and conserve biodiversity.
4. Efficient Use of Resources and Energy
Based on our recognition that the Earth's resources and energy are finite, we will promote their efficient use. In addition, we will promote initiatives for the 4Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Renewable) of waste management and contribute to a recycling-oriented society and sustainable living.
5. Continual Improvement of the Environmental Management System
We will establish an environmental management system based on our Environmental Policy. To further increase our environmental performance, we will implement the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle effectively and strive for a continual improvement and enhancement.
6. Communication of and Thorough Compliance with the Environmental Policy
We will communicate this Environmental Policy to all Group employees, conduct training activities, and enhance environmental awareness among all Group employees, aiming to develop corporate personnel who are able to understand the importance of protecting the global environment and take actions toward that goal.
7. Information Disclosure
We will disclose this Environmental Policy to the public and strive to actively disclose environment-related information, aiming to be a company trusted from society.
October 1, 2023
Shinichi Nakamura, President and Representative Director
Environmental Management System
ISO14001 acquisition
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NST undergo an ISO14001 certification review every year by JSA Soultions Co., Ltd. (Registration number: JSAE493) NST provides support for expanding the number of offices obtaining certification and for certification of Group companies, and some group companies acquired ISO14001 under the multi-site system (multiple companies carrying out environmental activities under the same system).
Subject to ISO 14001 certification of NST
Head Office, Osaka Office, Nagoya Branch Office, Kyushu Branch Office, Hokkaido Branch Office, East Nippon Machinery & Materials Department (Muroran), East Nippon Machinery & Materials Department (Kamaishi), Tohoku Branch Office, Niigata Branch Office, East Nippon Machinery & Materials Department (Kashima), East Nippon Machinery & Materials Department (Kimitsu), Hokuriku Branch Office, Shizuoka Sub-Branch Office, Tokai Machinery & Materials Department, Kansai & Setouchi Machinery & Materials Department (Hirohata), Chugoku Branch office, Hikari Sub-Branch Office, Onoda Sub-Branch Office, Shikoku Branch Office, Yawata Sub-Branch Office, Oita Branch Office, Minamikyushu Sub-Branch Office, Okinawa Sub-Branch Office - Awaji Steel Pipe Co., Ltd.
Office - Igeta Sunrise Pipe Corp.
Head Office, Tokyo Office, Hokkaido Branch Office, Hokuriku Branch Office, Nagoya Branch Office, Hiroshima Branch Office, Shikoku Branch Office, Kyushu Branch Office, Tohoku Sub-Branch Office, Okayama Sub-Branch Office, Yamaguchi Sub-Branch Office, Kitakyushu Sub-Branch Office - NS Kenzai Hanbai Corp.
Head Office, Kansai Branch Office - NST Okuhira Co., Ltd.
Head Office - MMI Co., Ltd.
- NST Mechanical Tubular Products Sales Co., Ltd.
Head Office, Tokyo Branch Office - Mitsuhashi Kozai Co., Ltd.
Head Office, First Factory, Second Factory, Third Factory, Fourth Factory - Nippon Steel Trading Metals Co., Ltd.
Head Office, Osaka Branch Office, Metal Service Center, Tokyo Branch Office - M.I.K. Corp.
Head Office - Nippon Steel Trading Matex Co., Ltd.
Head Office, Tokyo Branch Office - Yoko Industry Co., Ltd.
Head Office - Nikkyo Foods Co., Ltd.
Head Office, Osaka Branch Office - NST Information & Communication Systems Co., Ltd.
Head Office, Osaka Branch Office - NST Agency Co., Ltd.
Head Office, Osaka Branch Office - Tomakomai Steel Center Co., Ltd.
- NST Wire & Welding Co., Ltd.
Head Office
Number of companies that have acquired ISO14001 certification individually
- Domestic Group companies 5 companies
- Overseas Group companies 11 companies