Introduction of New Personnel Systems to Secure Human Resources and Realize Diverse Work Styles
Oct 03, 2024
NIPPON STEEL TRADING CORPORATION (hereinafter referred to as "our company") is pleased to announce the introduction of new personnel systems, including "Alumni Recruitment" and a "Leave of Absence System for Accompanying Spouses on Overseas Assignments," to secure human resources and create an environment where employees can work with peace of mind.
As one of the most critical management issues, the Company is promoting the expansion of human capital (securing human resources to support profit growth and developing professional talent). In the context of diversifying individual career perspectives and a fluid labor market, it is necessary to create an environment where diverse talents can demonstrate their abilities. As part of these efforts, we have introduced "Alumni Recruitment" to secure talents who have gained various experiences and knowledge outside the Company after leaving, and a "Leave of Absence System for Accompanying Spouses on Overseas Assignments," which avoids employee’s resignation when accompanying a spouse on an overseas assignment.
【Overview of New Systems】
System | Overview |
Alumni Recruitment |
Establishment of a dedicated alumni portal on the website to accept reemployment applications from former employees. URL: |
Leave of Absence System for Accompanying Spouses on Overseas Assignments | A system that allows employees who have been with the Company for more than three years to take a leave of absence for up to three years when accompanying a spouse on an overseas assignment. |
※Applicable to those who resigned on or after April 1, 2019, with at least three years of service and within seven years from the date of resignation.
Through the new personnel systems, we aim to expand our human capital by securing human resources to support profit growth and developing professional talent. We will focus on deploying human resources in growth areas and regions, thereby enhancing corporate value.
Sustainability "Social" > Utilization of Diverse Human Resources (Nurturing, Utilizing, and Valuing People)
*Inquiries regarding this release:
Corporate Communications Section
General Affairs & Corporate Communications Department
TEL: +81-3-6772-5003 FAX: +81-3-6772-5401