The Fifth Consecutive Year as a Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (Large Enterprise Category)

Mar 11, 2024

Nippon Steel Trading Corporation. (hereinafter "NST") has been recognized for the fifth consecutive year as a "Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (Large Enterprise Category)" under the health management excellence corporation certification system jointly selected by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry(METI) and the Japan Health Council.

As a key theme of ESG management, NST has been promoting initiatives to further enhance health management, aiming to maintain and improve the health of our employees, with the company, the Human Resources Department, the Medical Office, and the Health Insurance Association working together in a tripartite effort.

 We will continue to upgrade our work-life balance and health-conscious measures and strive to strengthen health management towards becoming a strong growth company that contributes to society.

〈Health Management Initiatives for Fiscal Year 2023〉

▪Further Leveling Up of Continuous Efforts

◦Enhancement and thorough implementation of lifestyle improvement guidance by industrial physicians and nursing staff

◦Implementation of cancer screenings for "breast," "cervical," "colorectal," "stomach," and "lung" (maintaining a high screening rate of over 90%)

◦Expansion of interviews by industrial physicians and placement of external counselors as mental health measures

◦Promotion of workplace environment improvements through stress checks and the use of group analysis results

◦Smoking cessation education for young employees

◦Raising awareness of the importance of specific health guidance aimed at preventing lifestyle-related diseases and encouraging higher participation rates

◦Increasing the rate of family health check-ups

▪New Initiatives

◦Hosting a physical fitness measurement event "How old is your current fitness level?"

 We held a physical fitness measurement event with the aim of making employees aware of the necessity of continuous daily exercise related to maintaining and improving  physical fitness. "Physical fitness" is an essential element for continuing to work healthily in the future and for spending a more fulfilling private life. Knowing one's own
 physical fitness and taking it as an opportunity to adopt exercise habits, we continue this event in the coming years.

NST regards the improvement of health literacy (physical and mental aspects), the improvement of lifestyle habits, and the response to women's health issues as important management themes. In the next fiscal year, we will continue to expand e-learning, seminars, and training related to these topics to deepen employee understanding.


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