ESG Data


Subject range Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
CO2 emissions Scope1+Scope2*1 Consolidated t-CO2 32,727 28,219 30,285
Scope1 7,235 5,811 6,765
Scope2 25,492 22,409 23,520
Scope3*2 4.Transport, shipping (upstream) Non-consolidated 2,960 3,170
5.Waste produced from business activities 173 279
6.Business travel 419 613
7.Employee commuting 542 535
Amount of power used Consolidated Mwh 51,903 45,525 49,257
Energy consumption*3 Consolidated GJ 307,275 260,089 296,192
Paper usage Non-consolidated 1,000 sheets 24,711 18,392 15,812
Amount of waste produced Non-consolidated t 504 320 521
  1. *1Fuel emission factors:
    (Japan) Greenhouse gas emission quantities based on “List of Calculation Methods and Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Calculation, Reporting and Publication System” from the Ministry of the Environment are used.
    (Overseas) “2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories” are referenced for the fossil fuel unit calorific values and carbon intensity.
    Electrical power emission factors:
    (Japan) The basic emissions factor in the emission factors for each electrical power company is used.
    (Overseas) The CO2 emissions factor for each country as reported by the International Energy Agency (IEA) is used.
  2. *2 Scope3 is calculated beginning from fiscal 2020. (It is disclosed for limited categories based on the state of international discussion related to appropriate emissions management and disclosure.)
  3. *3 A unit calorific value for electrical power of 3.6 GJ/MWh is used. Consumption of power generated from biomass is not included. Calculations for fuel are made using the unit calorific values in the Act on the Rational Use of Energy.

CO2 emissions

  • *Subjects: NST and consolidated domestic and overseas subsidiaries

Amount of waste produced

  • *Subject: NST (non-consolidated)
  • *Emissions increased in fiscal 2021 due to relocation of the Head Office.


personnel data

Subject range Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Number of employees Consolidated Persons 7,971 9,028 6,584
Non-consolidated 1,861 1,840 1,327
Number of new graduates hired as career-track employees Total Non-consolidated Persons 51 48 22
Men 34 32 15
Women 17 16 7
Ratio of women % 33.3 33.3 31.8
Non-Japanese Persons 3 5 1
Ratio of non-Japanese % 5.9 10.4 4.5
Number of management positions Total Non-consolidated Persons 653 676 591
Men 637 659 577
Women 16 17 14
Ratio of women in management positions % 2.5 2.5 2.4
Number of non-Japanese employees Non-consolidated Persons 42 41 31
Mid-career recruits among regular employees Non-consolidated % 35.4 23.8 26.6
Employment of persons with disabilities Non-consolidated % 2.2 2.0 2.3
Average years of service Total Non-consolidated Years 13.5 14.0 15.6
Men 14.7 15.1 16.6
Women 11.8 12.5 14.0

working styles

Subject range Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Average days of paid annual leave taken by employees Non-consolidated Days 13.1 12.0 12.1
Percentage of paid annual leave taken by employees Non-consolidated % 69.4 62.9 63.2
Number of employees taking pre- and post-childbirth leave Non-consolidated Persons 22 21 19
Number of eligible employees taking childcare leave Total Non-consolidated Persons 39 33 40
Men 19 13 18
Women 20 20 22
Percentage of eligible employees taking childcare leave Total Non-consolidated % 52.7 61.1 58.8
Men 35.8 39.4 39.1
Women 95.2 95.2 100
Percentage of employees returning to work after childcare leave Total Non-consolidated % 97.6 96.9 100
Men 100 100 100
Women 95.5 94.7 100
Average days of childcare leave taken by male employees Non-consolidated Days 2 4 7

human resources development

Subject range Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Skills development training Total training sessions Non-consolidated Sessions 27 23 20
Number of training participants Persons 667 676 445
Number of employees posted overseas Expatriate staff Non-consolidated Persons 194 180 167
  • *Skills development training shows the number of training sessions and number of participants for group training.

Number of employees and average years of service

New graduates hired as career-track employees

  • *Subject: NST (non-consolidated)